A crystalline amino acid containing sulfur; found in most proteins and essential for nutrition. 一种含硫的晶状氨基酸,多数蛋白质中含有,营养必需。
Synthesis and Mesogenic Properties of Side-chain Liquid Crystalline Polymers Containing Nitrogen and Sulfur Atoms 含氮、硫侧链液晶高分子的合成、表征及液晶性能的研究
Fourteen amino acids and eighteen trace elements were found on analysing the chemical constituents of Gekko gecko. One polypeptide ( MW 7.6 X 10~ 4) and seven crystalline constituents ( cholesterol, rhombic sulfur, calcium sulfate, etc.) were isolated. 对中药蛤蚧进行了分析研究,从中检出十四种氨基酸和十八种微量元素,并分得一分子量为7.6×10~4的多肽成分,以及胆固醇、正交硫、硫酸钙等七个结晶成分。